Empeg Worst Installation Trophy

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Woooooow! I got it! And I'm proud of it! Really.
Ok, back to the beginning. What's I'm talking about is the prize for the worst installation in Europe for the year 2003 (and even 2002, depends on... later!). As you might know we had a meet in Amersfoort (Netherlands). This for itself made me very happy.

Be honest, why do you think I won the prize? As you can see in the picture above I always have a tidy equipment around me with no cables at all. Ok,I'm the one who don't tells the truth. :-)

About the MK1 I got

The whole thread in empeg.comms.net is here

Look what Rob says to the story of this trophy:

-- That Mk.1 player has quite an interesting history. It was originally purchased by a gentleman as a gift for his charming french wife, however upon discovering that she was engaged in an affair with another empeg fan he took back the player and sold it.

The new owner was an American fellow who picked up the player in Italy for an extended road trip with his young lady friend. I'm not sure if the Mk.1 has aphrodisiac properties however it is said that the young lady decided to share an intimate empeg experience with a local photographer and once again the player was put on the market by its cheated owner.

Subsequently the player, already not in the best condition, was purchased by a couragous American woman who took it into a Balkan combat zone. It's contribution to humanitarian action was substantial, but the episode was pretty much fatal to the player, hence the condition in which you see it today.

Rob --

Why did I get this prize, honest

I'm not really sure exactly why. But I have to say that I'm an owner of a small computer service company (RoWi.net / RoWiTech) and therefore I have to say some words about this.
Some words to my customers: You will not get such a shamey installation! I assure you this, I swear! (No customer ever got car hifi installed by me, but this is a general statement) :-)
I am experiencing many things, am interested in so much things, alone the time is the limit. I tested GPS (with the empeg, too) and as I am a radio amateur I set up a site for getting information about the position, speed and other infos from my car in real time (tracking.rowi.net). But also my car's site at www.CorradoVR6.de has some of these GPS-infos. I hope the miles of cables (all working!) in my glove box for this GPS-system gave me the points, not my car's really untidy trunk. Yes, I agree, the trunk is really bad, no it's the worst! If there's time left it's really not my first project to make the trunk better.

Be careful! I will come back next year and compete again :-). Getting the prize will be haaard for you!
If you think there are big fat misspellings, please let me know. I'm interested in learning better english. You can mail to empeg at rowitech.de or post into the forum.
by Rolf Winterscheidt, empeg(at)rowitech.de (Counter: 9005)
rowi.net IT-Services